With offices across Asia, Hong Tai Ke  offers hassle-free delivery and logistics. Any height, width, weight or distance, we can take up the challenge. There is nothing we can solve when it comes to delivering your products.


The overall quality and reliability of a product depends on the selection of the right component from the right supplier. Given our expertise in the Asia market, we make it easy for you to meet your needs. Your Bill of Materials (BOM) will be meticulously reviewed by our skilled engineers and buyers. Once we have analysed your BOM, we will use our global offices (in Asia) to ensure we attain the best price on the market.

Pricing is a crucial component of an effective marketing strategy. Your product and service prices impact revenue, cash flow, profits and the reputation your brand has in the marketplace.Failing to do so may forego potential profits or even destroy value. HONG JINGLI can help you with your pricing needs. We analyse the product, its market value, all its components and will derive a price that will benefit the company.


To meet the demands of our customers, Hong Tai Ke  has put in place raw materials and goods stocking programs. This program works well for customers having difficulty managing peaks and valleys in production. At HONG JINGLI, we offer you the solution, allowing you to focus on your goals.


With offices across Asia, Hong Tai Ke offers hassle-free delivery and logistics. Any height, width, weight or distance, we can take up the challenge. There’s nothing we can solve when it comes to delivering your products/cargo. We are coming up with ways to solve your logistical problems and find the fastest, safest, and most efficient way of getting your cargo/product to its destination.  At Hong Tai Ke , we have proficient personnel to carefully handle transactions. You can rely on us to monitor the delivery, make it on time and ensure quality.
